Mastermind Levels Test

By July 6, 2015 Uncategorized No Comments
Everything has awareness. Humans have a wide range of awareness. We are fortunate as we can think and have willpower to choose and we can clearly, proactively raise our awareness level. And that is one of our main purposes in life – to evolve and shift our awareness to a higher level.

Here are some key words that will help you understand and raise your level of awareness. As you have more qualitative, loving, beautiful, natural, meaningful, purposeful, altruistic, spiritual, inclusive, impersonal, universal and evolutionary experiences, you are shifting your awareness.

The journey is a life long journey. It requires persistence and patience. We grow in steps or plateaus by using the right type of techniques or process at the right times.

It is a journey through awareness. This journey is defined in many cultures, religions and teachings. We have gleamed the highlights and adapted them to fit our modern day situations.

For each question, choose one answer which best describes your situation and click on the box next to that answer. If none of the options fit, leave the question blank.

1.I am most comfortable being a
2.My greatest fear is
3.I focus more on
4.The areas more important to me are
5.I often experience in my life