Mastermind group rules

By March 18, 2015 Uncategorized No Comments

These MasterMind Group rules support the creation of trust, order, results and a safe environment. You are free to change the rules to suit your own group’s needs.

  1. Attendance – Any member missing two or more meetings within a quarter will be asked to leave the group. Should the group elect to let the person stay due to extenuating circumstances that individual may not miss any more meetings without pre-negotiating their absence with the group or they will be asked to leave.
  2. Contribution – Any member deemed to not be contributing will be talked to by the group up to a maximum of two times. After that, they will be asked to leave the group. Contribution includes any and all of the following:
    a. Participation in the meeting
    b. Coming prepared with their update
    c. Keeping support agreements
    d. Providing resources, tools, contacts, expertise, or other forms of input that supports the other members of the group and/or the group process
  3. Confidentiality – All member goals and sharing are to be kept confidential without express permission from the member to share with someone outside of the group. You are free to share your goals, insights, and about the Mastermind process – but do not share other people’s experiences or information.
  4. Voting Existing Members Out:
    A member may only be voted out of the group based on attendance or performance once specific behaviors or actions are discussed, negotiated, have a trial period and are voted on and passed by a majority of members.
  5. Voting New Members In:
    New members may be recommended by anyone, must be introduced to the group, pass a two session trial period and then needs a unanimous vote to be accepted as a new member.
  6. Keeping Agreements – Meetings will start and end on time (unless otherwise negotiated in advance). If you agree to do something for someone – do it. The trust, wellbeing, and cohesiveness of the group depend on the impeccability of people’s commitment to the process, to themselves, and to one another.

Roles and Responsibilities

You can optionally have roles that rotate every meeting so that every person in the group will fill every role at least once in the process of the time the group is together – and no one person monopolizes any role more than twice in a row.

This ensures a fair distribution of the workload, supports the smooth operations of the group, and provides an opportunity for each member to practice the various skills involved in each role.

Facilitator: This person is responsible for ensuring that the meeting stays on track and on time. They make sure that everyone is heard, that no-one dominates the meeting, and that the structure is followed. Additionally they may act as the host or hostess for the meeting (whatever the location may be) ensuring that everyone is welcomed and comfortable. As the leader for this meeting, they are responsible for helping everyone create value by following the process and participating. They may also set an agenda and adhere to it.

Timer (Note – may be the facilitator although it is much easier if it is a separate person): This person is responsible for keeping track of time so that the meeting stays on track. They will advise people when they have 30 – 60 seconds left and need to wrap up. They will also ensure that the meeting begins and ends on time. The timer needs a stopwatch or a watch or clock with seconds on it.

Recording Secretary: This person will keep notes of the meeting using the agenda form as a guide. They do not need to capture everything that everyone says – they do need to capture the following:

  • Times – Start and end time for each segment of the meeting
  • Attendance – Note everyone in attendance at the meeting and who is filling which roles
  • Commitments – Any commitments made including by whom, to whom, with any relevant details about the commitment and deadlines
  • Important issues – Any discussion that may need to be referred to later should be recorded in point form. In particular, anything that is being voted upon. The proposed ‘resolution’ that is being voted upon needs to be recorded as well as the number in favour, against, and abstaining. (NB: Only a majority vote can be carried)
  • Hot Seats – Capture the initial goal and request for support plus all brainstorming, action plans, and commitments made during the hot seat.
  • Finally, the Secretary ensures that the meeting notes are circulated to all of the members (including those that were not in attendance) within one week of the meeting. They should ideally be typed, but must be legible.

Everyone is responsible, at all times for group leadership, and for being a strong and collaborative team member. That means being willing to communicate honestly, accountably, and clearly. To listen with respect. To choose to “show-up” and be fully present to everyone there and to the process.

Food and drinks – It is best to have as a minimum water and if the group as a whole wants – coffee or tea. It is best that there is no eating (unless it is a meal meeting) as it tends to be a distraction and the meeting tends to be more social.

Start time – Try Lombardy time. Have the recommended start time 15 minutes before the meeting starts. It takes that long to allow the group energy to align and to complete the greetings and socializing. You can also have a finishing time and then at the end for up to another 15 minutes have extra, off agenda sharing – often the best ideas come up then.

Guidelines for our Master Mind Circles.

  • We have professional, trained facilitators to keep things on track.
  • Our Facebook group and periodic reviews of the facilitator create a written audit trail. We also have detailed profiles and goals for each member.
  • Our members are paying members and they can do their check-ins, requests and supporting of others at their convenient timing, so participation is quite good.
  • Our rules and guidelines are fewer and a regular survey identifies what improvements can be made each month.
  • The connections are not limited to one session per week or 2 or 4, but to as many times as you want during the week with reminders to post twice per week.