Find A Mastermind Group

By March 18, 2015 Uncategorized No Comments

If you want to find a mastermind group, you have come to the right place.
If you still want to check around, we will give you a link.

I, John Robson, have been masterminding for over 25 years and have had significant miracles occur – as have my fellow group members. There is magic that happens in a well structured group that applies the higher mastermind principles – that want to go beyond socializing, status reports, networking and basic brainstorming.

Take your masterminding to a new level where it is meant to work – the only place that true connection and miracles happen. And we have a professional mastermind coach/facilitator as part of your group.
As a bonus our weekly reminder emails offer training of participants in areas of support, communications, personal growth, manifesting, consciousness raising and group dynamics.

Our uniqueness at MasterMind Circles is we post our celebrations, challenges, learnings and requests on a secret Facebook group and then others, at there best times, with some intention and time to support you, send you messages to support and empower you and answer your requests. Our process works at your convenience from anywhere, anytime.

For more information on how our program works, see ‘Why MasterMind Circles?’